Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » Art & Ecology : beauty is vanishing from both art and nature ? A guided tour of N.King 's ecological paintings will be followed by a...

"Arte y ecología: ¿una crisis común de la belleza? Visita guiada a la exposición por N. King, seguida de un debate con el filósofo C. Noorbergen

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
A rare occasion to exchange with an ecoartist. She will begin by giving a walking tour of her exhibition "Fight for water 's survival" . She integrates her international scientific expertise in her mixed media paintings. Followed by an open discussion with the philosopher C. Noorbergen about the vanishing of beauty in both art and nature.
"Art & ecology, beauty is vanishing from both art and nature ?" : a guided tour of Nicole King's exhibit with 35 paintings "Fight for water 's survival" will be followed by an open discussion with famous art critic and philosopher Christian Noorbergen on Tuesday ,September the 7th from 12 to 1.30 pm Paris time, in Hall 9 and A4 Meeting room ( dedicated area for the Congress participants). The end of the session will be open for questions from participants. Only 30 places available, please don't hesitate to reserve.
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