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Stakes in the Mediterranean basin and the NbS perspective

Pourquoi assister à cette session?
Why are NbS pertinent for the Mediterranean context? What barriers do we need to overcome to the uptake and implement NbS in the region? This event will offer the opportunity to discuss on the political framework needed at regional level to accelerate actions that integrate the NbS approach.
Recent reports sponsored by the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan – Barcelona Convention (UNEP/MAP) system — the State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean (SoED), produced by Plan Bleu, and the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR 1) released by the network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) — shed light on the toll that climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution is taking on Mediterranean ecosystems. The adoption of Resolution 31 “The implementation of Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean Basin” at the IUCN Congress in Marseille could be a trigger to accelerate the integration of NbS principles in regional and sectorial policies. Panellists will provide inputs on different aspects of the NbS approach in the Mediterranean to address environmental challenges, make key policy recommendations, and identify relevant processes and initiatives that could facilitate NbS implementation at regional scale.

Agenda de la session



Director / Programme Coordinator - Mediterranean Cooperation Center,

Integrating NbS at a regional scale
09:30 - 10:30


Director of Programmes,
Plan Bleu

Recommendations Policy Paper
09:30 - 10:30

Dr Raphaël BILLÉ

Programme Director,
Tour du Valat

Introduction to NbS in the Med
09:30 - 10:30
